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January 2023 Gazette: LEI Conservancy News

LEI Conservancy News

Christmas Potluck 2022

The Lake Erie Islands Conservancy held its annual Christmas Potluck at the South Bass Island Lighthouse on Monday. December 12th, 2022. New board member Brian Alford hosted and did a beautiful job decorating for the holidays. Brian and Russ cooked the ham and salmon and delicious side dishes were provided by our members that attended. Lisa Brohl led a toast to our successful 2022 and to retiring board member John Ladd. She thanked and gave poinsettias to those board members in attendance in appreciation of their hard work this year! Brian welcomed everyone to the Lighthouse on behalf of our partners the OSU Stone Laboratory. Everyone enjoyed visiting and a walk up the tower to view the lake!

Thanks to our partners the Ohio State University Stone Laboratory for the opportunity and to all who came out to celebrate 2022!

Lisa and Russ Brohl, Brian Alford, Marsha Collett, Colleen Kerkay, Marty Harayda, Kelly and Marty Faris, Elizabeth Heineman and Michael McIntire, Susan and Mike Byrnes, Val Chornyak, Carol and Rich Roberts, Sue Seaburg, Mark Nemec, Father Bob Solon, Simona Michael and Fred Futrell, Kendra and Jeff Koehler, Linda Parker, Jeanette and Tim Luecke, Bob and Jody Frimel, Laureen Mooney, Dorain Toms, Sally Duffy, Jean and Bob Hilt, Pinky Batt and Sue Ferguson, Peter and Amy Huston, Renee Fultz and Kiera Stan all attended.

Giving Tuesday for Lake Erie Islands Conservancy

Thanks to all who contributed to making our Conservancy Giving Tuesday campaign a success this year to raise funds for our Land Protection Funds. We raised just short of $10,000 on November 29th, 2022. Jill Cerny Kirby set up a Facebook matching campaign for recurring donations, and we received other donations by personal check, paypal, and credit cards. We appreciate the thoughtfulness of Linda Gray, Marty and Kelly Faris, Connie and Stan Wulkowicz, Elizabeth M. Heineman, Russ and Lisa Brohl, Helen Brohl, Bruce Miles, Susan Byrnes, Peggy Leopold, Tom Brennan, Cheryl Miller Beal, Michelle Downing Lagor, Amy Piper Harrison, Jean Hilt, Kendra Koehler, Ken Farber, Kathleen Tagliaferri, Candace Carr, Emma Hendrickson and an anonymous donor for making our Conservancy Land Protection Fund grow that day!!


The previous piece is published in this month’s Put-in-Bay Gazette. The Gazette has been producing incredible independent Put-in-Bay island news for over 40 years. If you have any interest at all in what is happening on South Bass Island, we urge you strongly to subscribe to the Put-in-Bay Gazette. One-year online subscriptions are only $15, and print subscriptions are available as well. To subscribe please click here.

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